NetShark GO

:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-: _\ \\ \__    /\ \        /\ \                     /\_ \                           :-:
:-:/\__  _  _\   \_\ \     __\ \ \____  __  __     __ \//\ \     ___      __          :-:
:-:\/_L\ \\ \L_  /'_` \  /'__`\ \ '__`\/\ \/\ \  /'_ `\ \ \ \   / __`\  /'_ `\        :-:
:-:  /\_   _  _\/\ \L\ \/\  __/\ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \L\ \ \_\ \_/\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \       :-:
:-:  \/_/\_\\_\/\ \___,_\ \____\\ \_,__/\ \____/\ \____ \/\____\ \____/\ \____ \      :-:
:-:     \/_//_/  \/__,_ /\/____/ \/___/  \/___/  \/___L\ \/____/\/___/  \/___L\ \     :-:
:-:                                                /\____/                /\____/     :-:
:-:                                                \_/__/                 \_/__/      :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-: [ Releaser        ] ..... - #debuglog, #debuglog.public             :-:
:-: [ Coder           ] ..... DeepBlueSea                                             :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-: [ App - Name      ] ..... NetShark GO for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive        :-:
:-: [ App - Version   ] ..... last modification: 13.01.2015                           :-:
:-: [ Release Date    ] ..... 06.12.2014                                              :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-: [ Description    ]                                                                :-:
:-:  NetShark Go reads the game server traffic and parses out the position of         :-:
:-:  every player. You can run NetShark on another computer which routes the game     :-:
:-:  traffic and you are therefore immune to every Anticheat out there by default.    :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:  To update the ICE key (MM or community) look at the tutorial on                  :-:
:-:               :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-: [ Release Usage   ]                                                               :-:
:-: -2  - Retrieve ICE-Key from Memory (Tutorial or FindIceKey.exe (DANGEROUS!))      :-:
:-: -1. - (optional) setup 2 PCs and route traffic through PC 1                       :-:
:-:  0. - Copy "\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\  :-:
:-:             resource\overviews" into "OverviewData"                               :-: 
:-:  1. - install WinPCAP (on PC 1) (                         :-:
:-:  2- - install C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (on PC 1)       :-:
:-:  3. - start NetShark GO (on PC 1)                                                 :-:
:-:  4. - choose your network adapter, which routes game traffic (internet unsually)  :-:
:-:  5. - type server port and map (or autodetect)                                    :-:
:-:  6. - join Server (on PC 2)                                                       :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-: [ Known Issues    ]                                                               :-:
:-: I.  ) team detection sucks (only at round start and sometimes incomplete )        :-:
:-: II. ) sometimes no origin updates on round start                                  :-:
:-: III.) map autodetection works only before connecting to the server                :-:
:-: IV. ) sometimes laggy                                                             :-:
:-: [ Changelog       ]                                                               :-:
:-: 1. fixed Crash on network bridges                                                 :-:
:-: 2. click on playericon to change team                                             :-:
:-: 3. Valve-Update: packet decoding                                                  :-:
:-: 4. Valve-Update: Valve changed keys                                               :-:
:-: 5. Valve-Update: Key-Change (09.01.2015)                                          :-:
:-: 6. ICE Key in file "icekey" (13.01.2015)                                          :-:
:-:                               _=-[ #debuglog ]=-_                                 :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                  DeepBlueSea                                      :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                        |                                          :-:
:-:                                     _` |                                          :-:
:-:                                    (   |                                          :-:
:-:                                   \__,_|                                          :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:
:-:                                                                                   :-:


(Binary for small resolutions inside)

Notice: Valve-Servers (MM, Casual,…) have dynamic key, which will need to be retrieved from memory and stored in „icekey“ file.